
n. a naive, sweet, innocent young women. The ingenue is often
accompanied with a pure romantic side plot. The target of emotional danger.

Sunday 4 September 2011

They say it takes 21 days to break a habit...

DAY ONE: put Sally Hansen maximum growth nail varnish on and so far so good!

20 days to go.

Summer Holiday with Your Boyfriend

December: the month of holidays, summer, cute dresses, flowers in your hair and BEACH! More specifically, CAPE TOWN!!!!! <3

I love it there. And maybe I do have a warped view of it, December is the best time of the year there and everything is great beacuase everyone is on holiday, but I think it must be amazing to live there! Its so beautiful, and the weather is perfect, the beach is on your door step and life just seems such much happier there!!

This year (hopefully!!) my bf is joinng me on my lil CT adventure. And even though its still 3 months away Im already thinking about what I should take and what I still need to buy. So I thought Id share some tips Ive thought of so far:

1. If this is your first time away with your boyfriend as it is for me, take nice things girls!!! You may be at the beach but it doesnt mean you cant look good going to the beach.

2. Have more than 2 cossies. Different styles, different colours. Just to spice things up a bit!!
3. Take sunscreen. if your boyfriend is as burn-prone as mine, youll need lots of this incase he forgets. Itll make the holiday so much more enjoyable then if he gets sun stroke. If you wear make up to the beach, wear it lightly as it will melt off. Put sun cream on before you put on your make up before you leave home.

4. Have a plan of things you want to do on the holiday, esp things that r walking distance so u dont have to depend on your family or on a car to get places- that way you can get a good tan, walk hand in hand and feel great! CT has great things to do and to go to like, putt putt, coffee shops and ice cream stalls, mazes, the beach, swimming pools, flea markets etc. Also make sure you dont do the same thing every day, for example because my bf gets burnt so easily, the beach isnt his favourite, so going everyday for 5 hours will just make him grumpy and thatll make me grumpy!!

5. Depending on what you plan to do at night, have something really nice that you can slip into if you guys suddenly decide to hit a 'to see and be seen' kind of place!

6. Dresses are the best for the beach. They really pretty esp when they have lots of different colours but also so easy to wear. When you go to the beach you dont have to worry about your sandy feet making your shorts/ pants sandy (I really really dont like sand!) either.

7. Always carry a bag with some essential touch up make up things, like blusher, lip gloss, eye shadow and eye liner are my favourite things! Especially if you plan to go for some drinks after the beach.

8. Have with you some spritzing conditioner that will moisturize your hair and give it a lil bit of a wave when you come out from the water. It will also make sure your hair stays soft! Always carry with you an alice band, hair tie and clips so that you can put it up if it gets frizzy or in the way.

9. Always have things like wet wipes, that way you can give yourself a lil bit of a wash when you go to the bathroom after a long hot day in the sun. You will sweat but with wipes you can just wipe it away. Deodrant always a good idea!

10. BE NATURAL!!! Now i should learn to take some of my own advice, but Im slowly starting to realise that they DO like you natural... so yes put on some make up, dress nicely but when you at the beach all your boyfriend wants is to have some fun, not to have you running off to the bathroom every 2 minutes to fit your hair and make up!

Friday 26 August 2011

If confusion leads to knowledge... Im in the process of becoming a genius!

I am feeling very confused. I am thinking of maybe dropping out of varisty. At the end of the year. Just for a year. Almost like a belated gap year! I was looking around and i found this wedding planning programme for a year where you learn the ins and out of wedding... planning! I think I would really enjoy that but at the same time, that doesnt exactly find in with what I had imagined for myself. I was torn between not knowing if I want to be the 50's housewife/ highpowered career women, to wearing suits with matching pink heels in an office or jumping between jobs! AAAAAAAAAA!!! I want answers and I want them now! And thats where my problem lies. I know that God has included me in His greater plan ... but I wish He would reveal it now. While I wait, Im finding myself in this perpectual bubble of constancy and I feel like life is passing me by while I wait. I dont even want to think about having to tell my dad that maybe varisty isnt what i want to do right now. He actually might lose himself considering 3 months ago I told him I wanted to apply for medicine!!

I'm in a sticky situation I would say.

Tuesday 16 August 2011

I hope she'll be a fool... thats the best thing a girl can be in this word, a beautiful little fool.

Today I wrote an English test. It was based on the book, The Great Gatsby (a must read for anyone looking for a light read but also those who are looking for a little inspiration). Basically its about this guy who reinvents himself as this millionaire who becomes a legendary celebrity. People fuel the illusion of him when in fact his money came from illiciting illgeal goods. He has the profound perception that the only reason he lost his first love, Daisy, is because he didnt have money and he has made it his life's mission to recreate this vanishing past by ensuring that he could prove her wrong. The problem is that he became so consumed by the idea of Daisy and what she represented thst he didnt realise that the 'blossoming rose' had become a 'grotesque rose'. Its a novel about perceptions and excesssiveness (loving too much, idolizing too much, consuming too much) and the ambivalence of society (the American Dream vs the darker reality that lies beneath that).

I think the reason its still so relevant today is because people relate to other people who are messd up because of the complexities of life. The reader witnesses as the charcters expose their vulnerability by removing their masks and performances. People are also attracted to the 'romanticised cowboy myth.'

Needless to say I found it fascinating. I really related to the one character who is subtly described as a brute: Tom Buchanan. I didnt relate to him for that reason but rather for the fact that he too drifts through his life constantly searching for the same fulfillment that he recieved in his glory days as a star footballer. Thats kinda how I feel... at school I knew what I wanted. I wanted to be MD chairperson, JJC counsellor and head girl and I was blessed with everything I wanted because I worked hard for it... and I cant seem to feel as fulfilled and as worthwhile as I did then. I am now at varsity where the cliche saying of I feel like just a number applies. I feel like there is nothing to work for, other than to get a degree. And yes that is important but I dont feel.... well selfishly, important. That sounds funny to write.

I want that feeling of having a purpose. I was always such a driven and motivated person, where has that gone!

Monday 15 August 2011


Goodnight readers. I may not have any right now, but one day I will, and this will act as a reminder of my very first blogsite and more importantly my very first written post on this blog.

I dont promise that every day you will be entertained or find this worth reading... but I promise to try:-)

Sweet dreams world out there.


The quintessential woman.

Audrey Hepburn: Breakfast at Tiffany's

Audrey Hepburn: My inspiration